Monday, December 12, 2005

stand up against rape they say

i am extremely pissed off with this wonderful government i live under. very much so. they squeal propaganda at us and make us feel so comfortable that they will take our side and keep us safe and then they toss it in our faces when the time comes for them to do something about it.

A friend of mine was raped. we were at one of my favourite clubs, she had her drink drugged by her male companion and he then made a get away, took her to his place and had his way with her. she awoke the next morning to find that something was very very wrong. he said that they'd had a "good night" nad that she had wanted it. the thing is, if she wanted it, no matter how much, surely she would have remembered it? and surely she would have removed the tampon.

so, three months later, she finally realizes the truth, she gets herself checked and she finds that yes it was rape, otherwise she wouldn't have been as damaged. she goes to the police, lays a charge and gets things rolling. he makes his statement, says yes, he knew she was drunk, and then leaves. in South Africa, it is against the law to have intercourse with someone who is drunk, especially when you know it, and so it seems, with all the evidence against him, he will be shoved in the locker.

and then the prosecutors say that they won't prosecute.

no reason, they just won't.

explain it to me. let the fucker free, go about as he pleases. just absolutely fucking wonderful.

and she isn't the first girl i know who its happened to. in my past i have met and known twelve women who have been raped. each one has had no help from the law in doing something about it. yet our wonderful bloody government says that we should all support the thirty days of action against women and child abuse. so what are they saying then; use the masses to solve the problem? get the fuckers and hurt them where they need it? but no, that's against the law too. and if you do that, you'll probably get prosecuted and put where he was supposed to be.

yes, i'll stand against rape, and yes, i'll make sure the fuckers get what they deserve. lets just see how strong the power of the media really is...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many times this year on this very same topic I have been forced to tediously recite the same quote to a few askew listeners, and to be honest I am getting quite tired of it:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke

But what is there to be done. I got into a debate with a close personal friend of mine, more a principal debate than an aggressive one; and his opinion was that woman are, to a certain extend, responsible for their own natural need to exuded their own level of sexual attraction to all willing to give them attention - the deviant "look but don't touch policy." This may be so... but what the hell does that have to do with sexual assault. How much personal compromise must a person undergo to finally believe they can forgive themselves for attempting to own the body of another human being? Stealing possession of something that cannot be bought?

Since everyone I speak to seems to be promising action, and nobody has any fucking clue how to deliver any form of action... What exactly is the fucking point? Rape happens. Every day. Rapist aren't faceless monsters hiding in alleys waiting for prey, they live next door to you. Someone you know - probably very well. All it takes is personal compromise and loneliness to turn a man into that expressionless monster. Get a fucking clue people, and decide what exactly it is that you plan to do about this. And when you do, give me a call - I will be standing right beside you - whatever it may be. :)