Monday, October 29, 2012

... But our princess is in another castle.

This has been an angry day. Everyone hates Mondays, whereas i love them due to the fact that Sunday, my nemesis, has come and gone. I was ready to embrace this day, knowing that i still had one day left till my weekend, and six days till everyone else's holy resting day. And then, after finishing a few a few chores and flogging the waitron, I decided to do a bit of surfing, browse some gaming forums, read some cartoons and just defrag a little. And thats when the subdermal necrotic cyst in the gaming world reared its ugly head.

Don't get me wrong, I was aware of it before; I subscribe to a lot of the tweets of the main gaming news sources. For some reason today just got me really riled up.

My view of the gaming, geek and under culture world is the following: a whole lot of boys and girls sharing their love for comics, movies, games of all types and anything related. Everything. Cosplaying because you love the genre. Posting blogs and comics because you have an opinion. Crafting models, cakes, images, shirts or anything purely cuz you are a fan. Because you love it. Because you've had dreams of being a superhero, or a high powered robot, or commanding a legion of undead. Whatever it is doesn't matter, you are a goddamned geek. And fucking proud of it.

And yet we geeks/gamers/whatever-label-you-prefer are just as fucked up as everyone else. When another person makes an effort, we shoot them down. We make sexist comments, we mock their skill, we tear them down by the size of their chestline or their gamer score. Who gives a shit! The fact that some guy has made an effort to make a fanvideo and was proud enough of it to stick it on YouTube means that he should be given a round of applause. Sure, he may not have Ridley Scott's directing skills, but that doesn't mean that without a bit of work he won't get there. Why not constructive criticism, instead of belittling the person so much that they never do it again. Yeah there is a lot of fan work out there which isn't good, but hey, they had the balls to do it and then post it.

Didn't we all have a hard time at school? Did we learn nothing from those idiots who mocked us for our batman adoration. Or are all geeks (loosely used term) actually just spoilt self indulgent fucks who have to prove they are more geekier than others. That just makes you first in a class of retards motherfucker, so do yourself a favour and play nicely for once.

Go ahead, analyze this post. Hey go and read eveyrthing else. Call me what you will, prove my point; we geeks are supposed to be the losers of the world, and yet we prosper. But if we continue to destroy our own foundations, well, then we're fucked.

And to make this day worse, my cat, my little Eater of Souls, Kerrigan the furry claw fiend, passed away from feline leukemia. There are Vets out there whose names are on my list.

So yeah. Bring it bitches.


Curegirl said...

I'm sorry about your cat. *hug*

Unknown said...

Sorry about the ender of worlds, man. I'm sure she's in heaven, tearing up the curtains.