Sunday, September 10, 2006

Practically raising the dead

don't go tossing your stones around...

Oh well, i guess i did. i guess i have. waving my finger, when it wasn't mine to do so. but then did not jesus himself issue that provocation is the message, provoke them to make actions, to do something? thats how we humans work. with lemon juice up in our eyes.

we must have been high

but then if we were we would've stopped it, we would've been of a higher consciousness, we would've cried out to them, said why? when did your fiddle become the drum? why did you wave your finger? why did you loose touch?

when did you strive to become more than human, while only misjustifying the entire race?

weep or chase your indigo...

smile for your reasons, you never understood them but still loved being a part of them.

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