Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Lord of the End Times continued

the gist of it all is the following

a man named Terrence Mckenna came up with a theory of calculation using quantum physics, the I-Ching and other things and came up with a graphical prediction of time and future. pretty much it states the human consciousness over the next years up until dec 12 2012.
the graph below is understood by the following:
it measures "novelty"; novelty is a good thing, it is when something has arrived into the human civilisations and caused good things to happen. when the graph goes down, it depicts the human consciousness arriving in a novelty state. the last deep dip was the arrival and creation of the current internet in may 1996. the high rises are bad, a lapse from novelty. things like the world wars, terrorist attacks, the capture of saddam, etc, are all depicted on the graph.

the graph shows from nine eleven to the year 2012. if you look at the nine eleven state, it is extremely high. obviously not a good sign. things started to calm down, there were a few spikes, (the bombs in britain etc,) but in the end nothing major. we lately experienced a jump, the israel judaea conflict, but however we still have to reach the state where things go pear shaped for a while and then sink into the year 2012.
i couldn't find the more in depth graph, but the nest ascending rise into chaos and away from novelty is depicted on it as happening tomorrow.
all i'm saying is watch your screens, stay glued to the news. we may not see it, we may not be informed of it, but i've done the mathematics, it is real. it is true. consider that the guy who came up with this created the model in 1986.

either do that or go back to sleep...

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